Judy Blume Shares Her Own Coming-of-Age Story in New Documentary, ‘Judy Blume Forever’

Originally published on BUST Magazine

Iconic YA author and companion through adolescent anguish, Judy Blume, is the the focus of a new documentary, Judy Blume Forever, set to release on April 21.

In the film, Blume discusses her 50+ year career, detailing anecdotes from childhood and adolescence, into her blossoming writing career and beyond. “I grew up as a good girl, with a bad girl lurking inside,” explains Blume in the trailer. “So by the time I started to write, I really had a lot to say.” 

The documentary, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, shares insight from Blume’s family and the thousands of fans she’s captivated over the years. Several writers and actresses who have been inspired by Blume’s works discuss why the author was so vital to their understanding of young girlhood. 

“She allowed young women to be as complicated, messy and funny as we are,” Lena Dunham, writer of HBO’s Girls, says.

We also see testimonials from Anna Konkle (Pen15), Molly Ringwald (Sixteen Candles), and Samantha Bee (Full Frontal with Samantha Bee), along with others. 

“Everything I learned about sex or crushes, I learned from Judy,” says Molly Ringwald. 

Blume’s frank approach to discussing sex, puberty, betrayal, lust, and other difficult-to-talk-about topics has won over the hearts of readers across generations. That same frankness has led to criticism and retaliation from libraries, school boards and parents in Arizona, Alabama, Ohio, and Wisconsin

Most recently, the Indian River County School District of Florida banned Blume’s book Forever… from school libraries and in April 2022, Florida’s Jackson County School District banned it from both school libraries and classrooms. 

Her seminal novel, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margret, has been challenged for “irreligiosity” (neglectful of religious doctrines) and for “introduction to pornography.” 

“Overnight, the censors came out of the woodwork,” Blume says in the documentary. “I think the kids have a right to read and get honest answers to their questions.”

Despite decades of push back, Blume’s novels continue to be read and adored by millions of young adults. In fact, the film adaptation of Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret is set to release on April 28, only a week after the documentary premieres. 

Judy Blume Forever will be available to stream on Prime Video April 21. 


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