Women of Distinction 2024: Ixonia Bank
At Ixonia Bank, Erin Pechanach, Becky Messmann and Erika Nowak lead with a commitment to personalized, local service.

Women of Distinction 2024: Dr. Anne Lent
Dr. Lent’s frustration with a common piece of medical equipment led her on a journey to make a new, life-saving autoinjector.

Women of Distinction 2024: Dana McIntosh, Owner of Urbaine Oasis Spa
McIntosh incorporates new meaning and purpose into every layer of her business.

Women of Distinction 2024: Julie Allen of Allen Partners LTD
Through her work at her boutique executive search firm, Allen had spent years getting to the root of interpersonal idiosyncrasies and group dynamics.

Women of Distinction 2024: Dr. Daisy Sahoo of the Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Sahoo is the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies at MCW, running world class research, driven by her graduate students.

Women of Distinction 2024: Janan Najeeb, Founder of Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition
Najeeb is helping to build a society that cherishes diversity as a way to enrich us as individuals and as a country.

Women of Distinction 2024: Michelle Fitzgerald of Horizons Law Group, LLC
Michelle Fitzgerald is celebrating 25 years of Horizons Law Group.

Women of Distinction 2024: Greater Milwaukee Association of Realtors
The women of GMAR are transforming the future of real estate.

Women of Distinction 2024: Anna Franklin of Stone House Collective
Stone House Collective has seen incredible growth in just a few years– all because Founder and CEO Anna Franklin took a chance on herself.

Women of Distinction 2024: Shanita Rowsey, Life Coach and Consultant
Rowsey helps to prepare women to take advantage of life’s opportunities.